On Wednesday, July 25th another workshop was held for the Summer Launch participants at the StFX Extension Innovation and Enterprise Centre. Facilitated by Summer Launch coordinator, Kelsey Bowman, the workshop was centered upon delivering an effective pitch for your business, idea, or project. This included step by step instructions on how to develop a pitch, tips for non-verbal communication, and how to effectively express your pitch in a clear and concise manner. After learning about pitches, everyone took time to create their own pitch for their business venture. They each presented their pitch to the group with a two minute time maximum and received feedback from the group.
Summer Launch participants Jake Breen (left) and Hilus Keay (right).
A roundtable discussion took place next. Each participant presented an issue or struggle that they are currently facing within their business. This was an opportunity to bounce their ideas off of the other Summer Launch students. Possible solutions to each problem were also suggested at this time. Throughout the workshop, potential collaboration points and ways that they may be able to help each other with their ventures were established. This included sharing contacts and discussing ways to promote each other’s products such as setting up in the same area and collaborating with a promotional strategy.
A final check out was held to receive feedback on how students are enjoying the program so far. Questions were asked such as “what have you learned and how has the Summer Launch program helped you this far”. This information will be used to shape the program in the following years. Some of the highlights from the feedback were that they found the bi-weekly logs to be extremely helpful when it comes to staying on track. The logs also resulted in a reflection of the previous two weeks as it requires them to answer questions that they may not have asked if they did not have to take the time to write these bi-weekly pieces. Another highlight noted was that the business model activity at the introductory workshop really allowed them to break down their business ideas and solidify a plan for the future as they move forward with their ventures. Participants said they have been learning lots throughout the program, but two main points included better time management skills and becoming more open to criticism and feedback.
The Summer Launch program will continue throughout the month of August, with their final reflection paper deadline set at August 20th.