Hosted by:  Schwartz School of Business and the St.FX Innovation and Enterprise Centre

When: Friday February 26, 2016  2-4pm

Where:  Schwartz School  Room 215

Event Overview

In November 2015 faculty, staff and students from across St.FX as well as representatives from the business community gathered to hear two St.FX student groups pitch their new product ideas.  One of the products, involving Morgan Hamilton and Shelby Kennedy-Goncalves’ prototype for a pulse-based nutrition bar, is now in limited production and the students have created a partnership called Impulse.

February Event

The February meeting will build on this inter-disciplinary approach to supporting innovation with the following agenda:

2:00 Welcome

2:05 Innovation presentation by Dr. David Risk (see profile below)

2:40 Product pitch by Brittany Sampson, Philippe T’ien, Raphaele Tetreault-Bergeron and Sarah Ngunangwa and their red bean ice cream product

3:30 Product update by Morgan Hamilton and Shelby Kennedy-Goncalves and their pulse nutrition bar

3:50 Conclusion

The purpose of the pitches is to provide the students with support in developing the product concept, target market, marketing options, and short-term direction.  Please feel free to join us for all or some of this event.  Information about the participants is included below.


Dr. David Risk’s interests lie in the measurement of gas emission from soils, isotope tracers, and sensor techniques. Part of his research relates to the energy industry, for which he develops sensor techniques to demonstrate containment in Carbon Capture and Storage projects, or to detect fugitive emissions (gas leaks) in energy developments.  Risk has strong ties to industry, and has worked with companies and regulators around the world.  He is also a founder of a Dartmouth-based spinoff company, formed around several of the six patents that have emerged from his research.

Brittany Sampson, Philippe T’ien, Raphaele Tetreault-Bergeron, Sarah Ngunangwa, Morgan Hamilton and Shelby Kennedy-Goncalves are all students in the St.FX Nutrition program.  They developed their product ideas under the supervision of Professor Marcia English and Lab Instructor Brenda Hanlon.  Both groups have pitched their ideas at a regional pulse competition and were awarded second place.