Back (Left to Right): Kelsey Bowman, Ellen Brophy, Flora Murphy, Krista Beaton, Emma Logan
Front: Hayley Fougere, Ruby Brophy, Myree Landry
On July 3rd, the StFX Extension Innovation and Enterprise Centre’s first GIVE Camp began. GIVE stands for Girls in Venture and Entrepreneurship and is a two-day camp focusing on teaching young girls about entrepreneurship and giving them the opportunity to receive hands on experience as entrepreneurs themselves. The first day of the camp involved learning about entrepreneurs, including a trip to the local Peace by Chocolate store. Everyone was welcomed into the store to taste some samples, hear their incredible story, and take some pictures.
Back (Left to Right): Alaa Hadhad, Ellen Brophy, Myree Landry, Krista Beaton, Kelsey Bowman
Front: Ruby Brophy, Hayley Fougere, Flora Murphy
The remainder of the first day was spent assembling and packaging products including candy kabobs, s’more kits, and surprise bags. The girls learned that not all money made in sales, is money you get to keep – costs must be covered, a float must be removed, etc. This was an eye opener for many of them!
The second day of the camp consisted of the girls setting up as vendors at Stroll the Main, Antigonish’s annual street fair. They displayed the products that they prepared and packaged the previous day and customers were very pleased! Within the first few hours, they sold out of candy kabobs and surprise bags, which was very exciting for them as it was evident that their hard work was paying off! The talented Marie and Meaghan Wright from Mirror Image Media stopped by the table to take some footage of the girls selling their products and talking about entrepreneurship. This footage will be used for a short promotional video for GIVE. Wallace Family Intern, Emma Logan, assisted the girls throughout the day as they waited on customers, handled money, and ensured that everyone had a fun and safe experience at the Street Fair!
At the end of the day, the girls counted the money with help from coordinator Kelsey Bowman, and determined their profit which will be donated to a local cause. GIVE is currently a pilot project, but we are hopeful that based on this year’s success, we will be able to offer the program again to more girls.
Click here for more information on the GIVE Camp.