Gaga’s Goodies Galore is a bakery business created by Summer Launch participant Jake Breen, to provide customers the opportunity to avoid having to make their own baked goods for events, gatherings, or even just for home. Jake decided to start this business because he has always had a passion for baking. Since a very young age, he has loved to try baking and tasting new recipes. He thought about starting a baking business for a few years, but last year he finally started up so he could share his love for baking with others.
When asked how he came up with the unique business name, Jake told us that it comes from his childhood. His passion for baking really began when he used to visit his grandmother, who they called Gaga, and would help her out in her kitchen. Jake explained that she didn’t bake as often as some, but her entire family would agree with him that she made the most delicious biscuits, Skor bar squares, and cherry cheesecake. Just one year before Jake started his business, his grandmother passed away from cancer. When it came time for him to register a name for his business, he knew it had to incorporate a memory of her somehow. With some help from his sister, they came up with the perfectly fitting name of ‘Gaga’s Goodies Galore’.
Jake can be found at the Antigonish Farmers’ Markets throughout the summer months and he occasionally attends the Mabou Farmers’ Markets as well. Sometimes throughout the fall and winter months he attends holiday markets. He also offers delivery service, but requires a couple days of notice in order to have time to prepare the order. Ordering options can be found on his Facebook page. If you do not have social media, Jake can be contacted via phone call or text at (902) 870-6485 for more information or to place an order. He also accepts orders via email ( but prefers Facebook if at all possible! Gaga’s Goodies Galore is also in the process of becoming an Instagram page (@gagasgoodiesgalore). Jake loves completing orders, so he encourages everyone to send him a message if you are interested!
Gaga’s Goodies Galore offers products from baked breads to sweets and squares. He can often be found with different types of the following in his freezer or at his bake table: muffins, cookies, fudge, bread loaves, sweet loaves, squares, dinner rolls, and buns. He says he always features a product made using oatmeal and another with lemon flavor at his table. He is currently working on offering diabetic friendly as well as gluten free options which he is hoping to have available near the end of this Farmers’ Market season.
Jake’s top selling product has always been his homemade dinner rolls. He typically sells out of them an hour before the market is over, depending on the size of the crowd. Jake also takes great pride in his fudge sales. He always produces a large quantity and is almost always sold out by the end of the market. He says that many people appreciate the low price given the amount of fudge they receive in each package. His breads are also in high demand, often selling out!
Jake plans on continuing his business throughout the year when he has the opportunity to make sales. He is planning on being at the markets around Thanksgiving where he will have lots of dinner rolls and sweets for sale, as well as the markets during the Christmas season in which he will have lots of squares for sale. He has not yet decided if he will be participating in the Antigonish Winter Markets this year or not but he will definitely be back the following May. He always takes orders anytime throughout the year for those interested!
Jake would like to thank the Summer Launch program for helping his business get more exposure!